Wednesday 16 October 2013

Srimati Radharani

What is the position of Srimati Radharani? We should try to understand this today and offer our obeisances to Radharani. “Radhe vrndavanesvari:”
radhe vrndavanesvari
vrsabhanu-sute devi
pranamami hari-priye
Our business is to pray, “Radharani, You are so dear to Krishna. So we offer our respectful obeisances unto You:”
radhe vrndavanesvari
vrsabhanu-sute devi
pranamami hari-priye
Radharani is hari-priya, very dear to Krishna. So if we approach Krishna through the mercy of Radharani, then it becomes very easy. If Radharani recommends that, “This devotee is very nice,” then Krishna immediately accepts, however foolish I may be. Because Radharani recommends it, Krishna accepts. Therefore, in Vrndavana you’ll find all the devotees chanting Radharani’s name more than Krishna’s. Wherever you’ll go, you’ll find the devotees are addressing one another, “Jaya Radhe.” They are glorifying Radharani. They’re more interested in worshiping Her. This is because, however fallen I may be, if somehow or other I can please Radharani, then it is very easy for me to understand Krishna. Otherwise,
manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye
yatatam api siddhanam kascid vetti mam tattvatah

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